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Tamriel Online
~ Zander
2024-07-23 03:21:46
Greetings, Star Wars Roleplayers!
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newest sister site: Tamriel Online!
Dive into the rich lore and expansive world of Tamriel, inspired by the Elder Scrolls games Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, and ESO. Our new site offers a fresh canvas set centuries after Skyrim, providing a dynamic and open environment for your roleplaying adventures.
To explore Tamriel Online, visit the 'Friends Sites' tab in the Link Centre nav.
May the Force continue to be with you, and may your adventures in Tamriel be epic!
News for Wed, Mar 5, 2025 (Items 1 - 50 of 92)
Acolyte Screaming Eagle has been defeated in the graveyard by .
"You know, Acolyte Screaming Eagle really had it coming to him after all those things I said about his mom," commented .
Acolyte Screaming Eagle was killed trying to defend the kingdom from a Snow Bounty Hunter.
Acolyte Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Master Mace Windu to advance to level 12 after 2 days!!
Acolyte Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Kit Fisto to advance to level 11 after 2 days!!
Acolyte Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Darth Malak to advance to level 10 after 2 days!!
Acolyte Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Darth Malgus to advance to level 9 after 2 days!!
Acolyte Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Plo Koon to advance to level 8 after 2 days!!
Acolyte Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Master Sifo-Dyas to advance to level 7 after 2 days!!
Acolyte Screaming Eagle was hunted down by their master, Master Sifo-Dyas, for being truant.
Acolyte Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Han Solo to advance to level 6 after 2 days!!
Acolyte Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Grand Moff Tarkin to advance to level 5 after 2 days!!
Acolyte Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Leia Organa to advance to level 4 after 2 days!!
Acolyte Screaming Eagle was hunted down by their master, Leia Organa, for being truant.
A band of raiders steal 2902 credits from Acolyte Screaming Eagle and gives to the poor!
Acolyte Screaming Eagle defeated Jedi Knight Taluk Fir in fair combat in the fields of Coruscant.
Acolyte Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Qui-Gon Jinn to advance to level 3 after 2 days!!
Acolyte Screaming Eagle was hunted down by their master, Qui-Gon Jinn, for being truant.
Acolyte Screaming Eagle defeated Youngling TaliZebari in fair combat in the fields of Coruscant.
Acolyte Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Asajj Ventress to advance to level 2 after 2 days!!
Acolyte Screaming Eagle has helped a boat full of people in the forest today! How kind!!!
*Lord Quinn Navaal has defeated his master, Darth Nihlius to advance to level 7 after 9 days!!
*Lord Quinn Navaal was hunted down by their master, Darth Nihlius, for being truant.
*Lord Quinn Navaal has defeated his master, General Grievous to advance to level 6 after 9 days!!
*Lord Quinn Navaal was hunted down by their master, General Grievous, for being truant.
Elijah has earned the title Sith Lord for having slain the Emperor 196 times!
Jedi Master Elijah has slain the Emperor. All across the Galaxy, people rejoice!
Jedi Master Elijah has slain Darth Malgus0
Jedi Master Elijah has slain Dromm, and saved the entire Sector from tyranny and destruction!
Jedi Master Elijah has proven great strength and valor by ridding the kingdom of a Forest Sith Lord. Hazzah!
Jedi Master Elijah has defeated his master, Master Yoda to advance to level 15 after 2 days!!
Jedi Master Elijah has defeated his master, Anakin Skywalker to advance to level 14 after 2 days!!
Jedi Master Elijah has defeated his master, Luke Skywalker to advance to level 13 after 2 days!!
Jedi Master Elijah has defeated his master, Count Dooku to advance to level 12 after 2 days!!
Jedi Master Elijah has defeated his master, Kit Fisto to advance to level 11 after 2 days!!
Jedi Master Elijah has defeated his master, Darth Malak to advance to level 10 after 2 days!!
Jedi Master Elijah has defeated his master, Obi-Wan Kenobi to advance to level 9 after 2 days!!
Jedi Master Elijah was hunted down by their master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, for being truant.
Jedi Master Elijah has bought a knitting book for a group of spiders in the forest today! How kind!!!
Jedi Master Elijah has defeated his master, Boba Fett to advance to level 8 after 2 days!!
Jedi Master Elijah has defeated his master, Master Sifo-Dyas to advance to level 7 after 2 days!!
Jedi Master Elijah has defeated his master, Han Solo to advance to level 6 after 2 days!!
Jedi Master Elijah has defeated his master, Grand Moff Tarkin to advance to level 5 after 2 days!!
Jedi Master Elijah has defeated his master, Leia Organa to advance to level 4 after 2 days!!
Jedi Master Elijah has defeated his master, Darth Baras to advance to level 3 after 2 days!!
Jedi Master Elijah has defeated his master, Asajj Ventress to advance to level 2 after 2 days!!
Jedi Master Elijah was hunted down by their master, Asajj Ventress, for being truant.
Jedi Master Elijah has saved some poor souls from Boba Fett's wrath.
A band of raiders were defeated in the Forest by Jedi Master Elijah!
Yaelu the Hutt has been defeated in the graveyard by .
"Why didn't I become a successful doctor like my father suggested?" wonders Yaelu the Hutt aloud.
Yaelu the Hutt has been slain in the forest by .
"Aah, so that's what Incredible lightsaber skill is for!" exclaimed Elite Emperor Verrad
Quote: <RoJ> *Perscipacious Seraph leans back with a hand on his chest, an offended and aloof look on his face. "Rebel scum?! How dare you!" Seraph brings up a DC-15 blaster to his shoulder leveling it at Jackson's chest... before taking a second look at the weapon with a surprised, "Oops, one moment," He changes it out for a water rifle XD
Online Staff
(1 Staff Member):
Vok the Vulgar
Characters Online
(1 Players):
Jedi Knight Wynt Jortea
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