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Tamriel Online
~ Zander
2024-07-23 03:21:46
Greetings, Star Wars Roleplayers!
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newest sister site: Tamriel Online!
Dive into the rich lore and expansive world of Tamriel, inspired by the Elder Scrolls games Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, and ESO. Our new site offers a fresh canvas set centuries after Skyrim, providing a dynamic and open environment for your roleplaying adventures.
To explore Tamriel Online, visit the 'Friends Sites' tab in the Link Centre nav.
May the Force continue to be with you, and may your adventures in Tamriel be epic!
News for Wed, Jan 22, 2025
Nothing of note happened this day. All in all a boring day.
Quote: <RoJ> *Perscipacious Seraph tenses from his prone position at a woman's words, before rolling over with arms crossed to glare up at Ghalbeard. "Hello, Father."
Online Staff
(1 Staff Member):
Vok the Vulgar
Characters Online
(1 Players):
Padawan Katalana Eris
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