Tamriel Online
~ Zander
– 2024-07-23 03:21:46
Greetings, Star Wars Roleplayers!
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newest sister site: Tamriel Online!
Dive into the rich lore and expansive world of Tamriel, inspired by the Elder Scrolls games Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, and ESO. Our new site offers a fresh canvas set centuries after Skyrim, providing a dynamic and open environment for your roleplaying adventures.
To explore Tamriel Online, visit the 'Friends Sites' tab in the Link Centre nav.
May the Force continue to be with you, and may your adventures in Tamriel be epic!
News for Wed, Mar 5, 2025 (Items 51 - 92 of 92)
Yaelu the Hutt has defeated his master, Master Mace Windu to advance to level 12 after 34 days!!
Acolyte Screaming Eagle has been defeated in the graveyard by .
"You should have just stayed in bed," suggests.
Acolyte Screaming Eagle was brutally beaten to death by a horde of vicious Ewoks.
Acolyte Screaming Eagle has helped a broken down wagon in the forest! How kind!!!
A band of raiders steal 4039 credits from Acolyte Screaming Eagle and gives to the poor!
Screaming Eagle has earned the title Acolyte for having slain the Emperor 8 times!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has slain the Emperor. All across the Galaxy, people rejoice!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Darth Revan to advance to level 15 after 9 days!!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Darth Vader to advance to level 14 after 9 days!!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Luke Skywalker to advance to level 13 after 9 days!!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle was hunted down by their master, Luke Skywalker, for being truant.
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle was brutally beaten to death by a horde of vicious Ewoks.
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle dueled a dark Jedi upon the battlefield today and turned him back to the light!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has helped a group of normal elephants in the forest today! How kind!!!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Master Mace Windu to advance to level 12 after 8 days!!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Kit Fisto to advance to level 11 after 8 days!!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle was hunted down by their master, Kit Fisto, for being truant.
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has been resurrected by Darth Plagueis.
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle escaped the Underworld by slaying a powerful and vile fiend!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle was brutally beaten to death by a horde of vicious Ewoks.
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle was brutally beaten to death by a horde of vicious Ewoks.
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has proven great strength and valor by ridding the kingdom of a Sky Bounty Hunter. Hazzah!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Darth Malak to advance to level 10 after 6 days!!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Obi-Wan Kenobi to advance to level 9 after 6 days!!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Plo Koon to advance to level 8 after 6 days!!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle was hunted down by their master, Plo Koon, for being truant.
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has been resurrected by Darth Plagueis.
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has been slain in the forest by .
Droideka smiles. "You are too slow. You are too weak."
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has helped a group of starving children in the forest today! How kind!!!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Darth Nihlius to advance to level 7 after 5 days!!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, General Grievous to advance to level 6 after 5 days!!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Master Belth Allusis to advance to level 5 after 5 days!!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Greedo to advance to level 4 after 5 days!!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle was hunted down by their master, Greedo, for being truant.
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has been resurrected by Darth Plagueis.
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle escaped the Underworld by taking a tunnel to the surface!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle was brutally beaten to death by a horde of vicious Ewoks.
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Darth Baras to advance to level 3 after 4 days!!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle was hunted down by their master, Darth Baras, for being truant.
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has been invited to lunch with a Red Caped Girl and her Granma in the forest today! Yummy!!
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has been slain in the forest by .
"My ego can't take much more of this bruising!" exclaims Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle.
Padawan Learner Screaming Eagle has defeated his master, Chewbacca to advance to level 2 after 3 days!!
<HUTT> ?#Bounty Hunter Ana Ferine says, "General Aelvira...you are a bold one!"
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